1217A at 4 yrs.

Dam of Chief of Staff 1217 at 16 yrs.

KPH Chief of Staff 1217  P43293366

 born 2/19/2012 b. wt. 78, 205 wt. 712 ratio 104, 365 wt. 1146 ratio 95, yrlg. scrotal 37 cm., frame 5.9

 ADJ REA 12.67, REA/CWT 1.13, IMF 3.4 ratio 124


 Fully pigmented high marbling Advisor son out of maybe my best Courier cow. Dark colored, excellent scrotal.


 Proven calving ease. Out of five calf crops, 71 calves had a 97 birth wt. ratio. 


 17 calves scanned with 108 IMF ratio.


 Homozygous Polled.